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CHANG, Huai-Liang

(PhD Stanford)

Phone: (852) 2358 7454
Office: Room 3490
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Prof. Chang received a Doctor’s Degree at Stanford University 2002-2007. He had postdoctoral appointment at SISSA (Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati) in Italy 2007-2009. Prof. Chang joined HKUST in July 2009. His works were mainly on problems in algebraic geometry and complex geometry that come from string theory.

Research Interests

Algebraic Geometry and String Theory

Selected Publications


  1. A road map to higher genus Gromov-Witten invariants of Calabi-Yau quintics
    • Author(s): Chang, Huai-liang; Li, Weiping
    • Source: Zhongshan Daxue Xuebao/Acta Scientiarum Natralium Universitatis Sunyatseni, v. 62, (2), March 2023, p. 1-9
    • Year: 2023

  2. An effective theory of GW and FJRW invariants of quintics Calabi-Yau manifolds
    • Author(s): Chang, Huai-Liang; Li, Jun; Li, Weiping; Liu, Chiu Chu Melissa
    • Source: Journal of Differential Geometry, v. 120, (2), February 2022, p. 251-306
    • Year: 2022

  3. Algebraic virtual cycles for quantum singularity theories
    • Author(s): Chang, Huai-liang; Kiem, Young-Hoon; Li, Jun
    • Source: Communications in Analysis and Geometry, v. 29, (8), 24 May 2022, p. 1749-1774
    • Year: 2022

  4. Polynomial structure of Gromov-Witten potential of quintic 3-folds
    • Author(s): Chang, Huai-liang; Guo, Shuai; Li, Jun
    • Source: Annals of Mathematics, v. 194, (3), November 2021, p. 585-645
    • Year: 2021

  5. The theory of n –mixed-spin-p fields
    • Author(s): Chang, Huai-liang; Guo, Shuai; Li, Jun; Li, Weiping
    • Source: Geometry and Topology, v. 25, (2), April 2021, p. 775-811
    • Year: 2021

  6. Invariants of stable quasimaps with fields
    • Author(s): Chang, Huai-Liang; Li, Mun Lin
    • Source: Transactions of The American Mathematical Society, v. 373, (5), May2020, p. 3669-3691
    • Year: 2020

  7. A Vanishing Associated with Irregular MSP Fields
    • Author(s): Chang, Huai-liang; Li, Jun
    • Source: International Mathematics Research Notices, v. 2020, (20), October 2020, p. 7347-7396
    • Year: 2020

  8. Mixed-Spin-P fields of Fermat polynomials
    • Author(s): Chang, Huai-liang; Li, Jun; Li, Weiping; LiU, Melissa Chiu-Chu
    • Source: Cambridge Journal of Mathematics, v. 7, (3), September 2019, p. 319-364
    • Year: 2019

  9. Virtual Residue and an Integral Formalism
    • Author(s): Chang, Huailiang; Li, Mulin
    • Source: Journal of Geometric Analysis, v. 29, (1), January 2019, p. 83-104
    • Year: 2019

  10. Genus-One Gromov–Witten Invariants of Quintic Three-folds via MSP Localization
    • Author(s): Chang, Huai-Liang; Guo, Shuai; Li, Wei Ping; Zhou, Jie
    • Source: International Mathematics Research Notices, v. 2020, (19), 2020, article number rny201, p. 6347-6390
    • Year: 2018

  11. Torus Localization and Wall Crossing for Cosection Localized Virtual Cycles
    • Author(s): Chang, Huai-Liang; Kiem, Young Hoon; Li, Jun
    • Source: Advances in Mathematics, v. 308, February 2017, p. 964-986
    • Year: 2017

  12. A Survey on Mixed Spin P-fields
    • Author(s): Chang, Huai-Liang; Li, Jun; Li, Wei-Ping; Liu, Chiu Chu Melissa
    • Source: Chinese Annals of Mathematics. Series B, v. 38, (4), 2017, p. 869-882
    • Year: 2017

  13. Witten’s top Chern class via cosection localization
    • Author(s): Chang, Huai-Liang; Li, Jun; Li, Wei Ping
    • Source: Inventiones Mathematicae, v. 200, (3), June 2015, p. 1015-1063
    • Year: 2015

  14. An algebraic proof of the hyperplane property of the genus one GW-invariants of quintics
    • Author(s): Chang, Huai-Liang; Li, Jun
    • Source: Journal of Differential Geometry, v. 100, (2), June 2015, p. 251-299
    • Year: 2015

  15. A Vanishing Result for Donaldson Thomas Invariants of P-1 Scroll
    • Author(s): Chang, Huai-Liang
    • Source: Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, v. 30, (12), December 2014, p. 2079-2084
    • Year: 2014

  16. Poincaré invariants are Seiberg–Witten invariants
    • Author(s): Chang, Huai-Liang; Kiem, Young-Hoon
    • Source: Geometry & Topology, v. 17, (2), 2013, p. 1149-1163
    • Year: 2013

  17. Gromov-Witten Invariants of Stable Maps with Fields
    • Author(s): Chang, Huai-Liang; Li, Jun
    • Source: International Mathematics Research Notices, v. 2012, (18), January 2012, p. 4163-4217
    • Year: 2012

  18. Semi-perfect obstruction theory and Donaldson–Thomas invariants of derived objects
    • Author(s): Chang, Huai-Liang; Li, Jun
    • Source: Communications in Analysis and Geometry, v. 19, (4), 2011, p. 807-830
    • Year: 2011

  19. Characterization of maps having the KKM property
    • Author(s): Jeng, Jyh-Chung; Huang, Young-Ye; Chang, Huai-Liang
    • Source: SOOCHOW JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, v. 28, (3), July 2002, p. 329-338
    • Year: 2002

  Conference paper

  1. On the Mathematics and Physics of Mixed Spin P-fields
    • Author(s): Chang, Huai-Liang; Li, Jun; Li, Wei-Ping; Liu, Chiu-Chu Melissa
    • Source: Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics, v. 96, 2017, p. 47-73
    • Year: 2017

  2. MSP fields and Gromov Witten invariants of Quintic Calabi Yau threefold
    • Author(s): Chang, Huai-liang
    • Year: 2015

  3. Algebro-geometric approach toward higher genus GW invariants of Quintics
    • Author(s): Chang, Huai-Liang
    • Year: 2014

  4. Physics motivation and a fast Introduction to theories of P fields and Spin-curves
    • Author(s): Chang, Huai-Liang
    • Year: 2014

  5. Landau Ginzburg type theories from algebraic geometry
    • Author(s): Chang, Huai-Liang
    • Year: 2014

  6. Landau Ginzburg Type Theories from Algebraic Geometry
    • Author(s): Chang, Huai-Liang
    • Year: 2014

  7. On Algebraic Geometric Construction of Enumerative Invariants
    • Author(s): Chang, Huai-Liang
    • Source: University of Michigan, US, Feb 2013
    • Year: 2013

  8. On A twisted Landau-Ginzburg Type Theory
    • Author(s): Chang, Huai-Liang; Li, Jun; Li, Wei Ping
    • Source: Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati(SISSA), Trieste, Italy, August 2013
    • Year: 2013

  9. Witten's Top Chern Class Revisited
    • Author(s): Chang, Huai-Liang
    • Year: 2013

  10. Algebraic geometric construction of Gun-Sharpe-Witten model and Fan-Jarvis-Ruan Witten theory
    • Author(s): Chang, Huai-Liang
    • Year: 2012

  11. The conference of Mirror Symmetry and Related Topics (MSRT)
    • Author(s): Chang, Huai-Liang
    • Year: 2012

  12. Introduction to Gromov Witten and Fan-Jarvis-Ruan-Witten theory
    • Author(s): Chang, Huai-Liang
    • Source: Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe, Tokyo University, Tokyo, Japan, June 2012
    • Year: 2012

  13. Introduction to Gromov Witten and Fan Jarvis Ruan Witten Theory (I,II)
    • Author(s): Chang, Huai-Liang
    • Source: Mini-course in differential geometry, National Center for Theoretical Science, Hsinchu, Taiwan, July, 2012
    • Year: 2012

  14. On Algebra-geometric proof of Li-Zinger Conjecture for g=1 Gromov-Witten invariant of Quintic Calabi-Yau threefold
    • Author(s): Chang, Huai-Liang; Li, Jun
    • Year: 2011

  15. Algebraic geometry of A-twsited Landau Ginzburg theory
    • Author(s): Chang, Huai-Liang
    • Source: National Seoul University, January 2011
    • Year: 2011

  16. Introduction to Fan-Jarvis-Ruan-Witten theory
    • Author(s): Chang, Huai-Liang
    • Source: Taida Institue for Mathematical Sciences, Taiwan, January 2011
    • Year: 2011

  17. Toward Algebraic geometry of Gauged Linear Sigma model in A side
    • Author(s): Chang, Huai-Liang
    • Source: Taida Institue for Mathematical Sciences, Taiwan, January 2011
    • Year: 2011

  18. Algebraic geometry of A-twsited topological string theory of Landau Ginzburg type
    • Author(s): Chang, Huai-Liang; Li, Jun
    • Source: Peking University, 27 May 2011
    • Year: 2011

  19. On Algebro-geometric proof of Li-Zinger Conjecture for g=1 Gromov-Witten invariant of Quintic
    • Author(s): Chang, Huai-Liang; Li, Jun
    • Source: National Cheng Kung University, December 2011
    • Year: 2011

  20. Moduli of stable maps with elds and its applications
    • Author(s): Chang, Huai-Liang
    • Source: Workshop on Moduli and Birational Geometry, Pohang, Korea, July 2011
    • Year: 2011

  21. Toward algebraic geometry behind Gauged Linear Sigma model in all genus
    • Author(s): Chang, Huai-Liang
    • Source: InternationalCongress of Chinese Mathematicans, Peking, December 2010
    • Year: 2010

  22. On Donaldson-Thomas invariants of P1 scroll
    • Author(s): Chang, Huai-Liang
    • Source: Yat-Sen University School of Mathematics and Computational Science, Guangzhou, July 2010
    • Year: 2010

  23. On genus one Gromov Witten invariant of Quintic threefold
    • Author(s): Chang, Huai-Liang
    • Source: Hong Kong Math Society Annual General Meeting, March 2010
    • Year: 2010

  24. Donaldson Thomas invariants
    • Author(s): Chang, Huai-Liang
    • Source: Hong Kong Geometry Colloquium, CUHK, September 2009
    • Year: 2009