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LI, Wei-Ping

(PhD Columbia)

Phone: (852) 2358 7432
Office: Room 3444
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Chair Professor


Prof. Li received a Bachelor's Degree at Nankai 1980-1984, a Master's Degree at Columbia University 1985-1986, and a Doctor's Degree at Columbia University 1986-1991, respectively. He had postdoctoral appointment at Oklahoma State University 1991-1992. Prof. Li joined the Department of Mathematics of HKUST as a lecturer on 12 July, 1992. He is now a Chair Professor of the department.

Research Interests

Algebraic geometry

Awards & Honors

  • 2021 Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Award   (2021)
  • Best Paper Awards in the first annual meeting of International Consortium of Chinese Mathematician (ICCM2017)   (2017)

Selected Publications


  1. A road map to higher genus Gromov-Witten invariants of Calabi-Yau quintics
    • Author(s): Chang, Huai-liang; Li, Weiping
    • Source: Zhongshan Daxue Xuebao/Acta Scientiarum Natralium Universitatis Sunyatseni, v. 62, (2), March 2023, p. 1-9
    • Year: 2023

  2. A genus-one FJRW invariant via two methods
    • Author(s): Li, Jun; Li, Wei-Ping; Shen, Yefeng; Zhou, Jie
    • Source: Mathematische Zeitschrift, v. 302, (4), December 2022, p. 1927-1955
    • Year: 2022

  3. An effective theory of GW and FJRW invariants of quintics Calabi-Yau manifolds
    • Author(s): Chang, Huai-Liang; Li, Jun; Li, Weiping; Liu, Chiu Chu Melissa
    • Source: Journal of Differential Geometry, v. 120, (2), February 2022, p. 251-306
    • Year: 2022

  4. The theory of n –mixed-spin-p fields
    • Author(s): Chang, Huai-liang; Guo, Shuai; Li, Jun; Li, Weiping
    • Source: Geometry and Topology, v. 25, (2), April 2021, p. 775-811
    • Year: 2021

  5. Mixed-Spin-P fields of Fermat polynomials
    • Author(s): Chang, Huai-liang; Li, Jun; Li, Weiping; LiU, Melissa Chiu-Chu
    • Source: Cambridge Journal of Mathematics, v. 7, (3), September 2019, p. 319-364
    • Year: 2019

  6. Genus-One Gromov–Witten Invariants of Quintic Three-folds via MSP Localization
    • Author(s): Chang, Huai-Liang; Guo, Shuai; Li, Wei Ping; Zhou, Jie
    • Source: International Mathematics Research Notices, v. 2020, (19), 2020, article number rny201, p. 6347-6390
    • Year: 2018

  7. A Survey on Mixed Spin P-fields
    • Author(s): Chang, Huai-Liang; Li, Jun; Li, Wei-Ping; Liu, Chiu Chu Melissa
    • Source: Chinese Annals of Mathematics. Series B, v. 38, (4), 2017, p. 869-882
    • Year: 2017

  8. The Cohomological Crepant Resolution Conjecture for the Hilbert-Chow Morphisms
    • Author(s): Li, Wei-Ping; Qin, Zhenbo
    • Source: Journal of Differential Geometry, v. 104, (3), November 2016, p. 499-557
    • Year: 2016

  9. The Gromov-Witten invariants of the Hilbert schemes of points on surfaces with p(g) > 0
    • Author(s): Hu, Jianxun; Li, Wei Ping; Qin, Zhenbo
    • Source: International Journal of Mathematics, v. 26, (1), January 2015, article number 1550009
    • Year: 2015

  10. Witten’s top Chern class via cosection localization
    • Author(s): Chang, Huai-Liang; Li, Jun; Li, Wei Ping
    • Source: Inventiones Mathematicae, v. 200, (3), June 2015, p. 1015-1063
    • Year: 2015

  11. Donaldson-Thomas invariants of certain Calabi-Yau 3-folds
    • Author(s): Li, Wei Ping; Qin, Zhenbo
    • Source: Communications in Analysis and Geometry, v. 21, (3), 2013, p. 541-578
    • Year: 2013

  12. The Donaldson-Thomas invariants under blowups and flops
    • Author(s): Hu, Jianxun; Li, Wei Ping
    • Source: Journal of Differential Geometry, v. 90, (3), 2012, p. 391-411
    • Year: 2012

  13. Two point extremal Gromov-Witten invariants of Hilbert schemes of points on surfaces
    • Author(s): Li, Jun; Li, Wei Ping
    • Source: Mathematische Annalen, v. 349, (4), April 2011, p. 839-869
    • Year: 2011

  14. Polynomial Bridgeland stability conditions for the derived category of sheaves on surfaces
    • Author(s): Li, Wei Ping; Qin, Zhenbo
    • Source: Communications in Analysis and Geometry, v. 19, (1), January 2011, p. 31-52
    • Year: 2011

  15. 1-point Gromov-Witten invariants of the moduli spaces of sheaves over the projective plane
    • Author(s): Li, Wei Ping; Qin, Zhenbo
    • Source: Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, v. 363, (5), May 2011, p. 2551-2569
    • Year: 2011

  16. Equivariant cohomology of incidence Hilbert schemes and infinite dimensional Lie algebras
    • Author(s): Li, Wei Ping; Qin, Zhenbo
    • Source: Manuscripta mathematica, v. 133, (3-4), November 2010, p. 519-544
    • Year: 2010

  17. Integral cohomology of Hilbert schemes of points on surfaces
    • Author(s): Li, Wei Ping; Qin, Zhenbo
    • Source: Communications in analysis and geometry, v. 16, (5), December 2008, p. 969-988
    • Year: 2008

  18. On certain moduli spaces of ideal sheaves and Donaldson-Thomas invariants
    • Author(s): Katz, Sheldon; Li, Wei Ping; Qin, Zhenbo
    • Source: Mathematical research letters, v. 14, (3), March 2007, p. 403-411
    • Year: 2007

  19. On the Euler numbers of certain moduli spaces of curves and points
    • Author(s): Li, Wei Ping; Qin, Zhenbo
    • Source: Communications in Analysis and Geometry, v. 14, (2), March 2006, p. 387-410
    • Year: 2006

  20. Ideals of the cohomology rings of Hilbert schemes and their applications
    • Author(s): Li, Wei Ping; Qin, Zhenbo; Wang, Weiqiang
    • Source: Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, v. 356, (1), 2004, p. 245-265
    • Year: 2004

  21. Hilbert schemes, integrable hierarchies, and Gromov-Witten theory
    • Author(s): Li, Wei Ping; Qin, Zhenbo; Wang, Weiqiang
    • Source: International mathematics research notices, (40), 2004, p. 2085-2104
    • Year: 2004

  22. Stable rank-2 bundles on Calabi-Yau manifolds
    • Author(s): Li, Wei Ping; Qin, Zhenbo
    • Source: International journal of mathematics, v. 14, (10), 2003, Dec, p. 1097-1120
    • Year: 2003

  23. Stability of the cohomology rings of Hilbert schemes of points on surfaces
    • Author(s): Li, Wei Ping; Qin, Zhenbo; Wang, Weiqiang
    • Source: Journal fur die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik, v. 554, 2003, Jan, p. 217-234
    • Year: 2003

  24. On 1-point Gromov-Witten invariants of the Hilbert schemes of points on surfaces
    • Author(s): Li, Wei Ping; Qin, Zhenbo
    • Source: Turkish Journal of Mathematics, v. 26, (1), p. 53-68
    • Year: 2002

  25. Vertex algebras and the cohomology ring structure of Hilbert schemes of points on surfaces
    • Author(s): Li, Wei Ping; Qin, Zhenbo; Wang, Weiqiang
    • Source: Mathematische Annalen, v. 324, (1), 2002, Sep, p. 105-133
    • Year: 2002

  26. On blowup formulae for the S-duality conjecture of Vafa and Witten III: relations with vertex operator algebras
    • Author(s): Li, Wei Ping; Qin, Zhenbo
    • Source: Journal FUR DIE Reine UND ANGEWANDTE MATHEMATIK, v. 542, 2002, JAN 31, p. 173-217
    • Year: 2002

  27. Hilbert schemes and W algebras
    • Author(s): Li, Wei Ping; Qin, Zhenbo; Wang, Weiqiang
    • Source: International mathematics research notices, (27), 2002, p. 1427-1456
    • Year: 2002

  28. Generators for the cohomology ring of Hilbert schemes of points on surfaces
    • Author(s): Li, Wei Ping; Qin, Zhenbo; Wang, Weiqiang
    • Source: International mathematics research notices, v. 2001, (20), p. 1057-1074
    • Year: 2001

  29. On blowup formulae for the S-duality conjecture of Vafa and Witten
    • Author(s): Li, Wei Ping; Qin, Zhenbo
    • Source: Inventiones mathematicae, v. 136, (2), 1999, MAY, p. 451-482
    • Year: 1999

  30. Vertex operator algebras and the blowup formula for the S-duality conjecture of Vafa and Witten
    • Author(s): Li, Wei Ping; Qin, Zhenbo
    • Source: Mathematical research letters, v. 5, (6), 1998, Nov, p. 791-798
    • Year: 1998

  31. On blowup formulae for the S-duality conjecture of Vafa and Witten II: The universal functions
    • Author(s): Li, Wei Ping; Qin, Zhenbo
    • Source: Mathematical research letters, v. 5, (4), 1998, JUL, p. 439-453
    • Year: 1998

  32. Birational models of the moduli spaces of stable vector bundles over curves
    • Author(s): Hu, Yi; Li, Wei Ping
    • Source: International journal of mathematics, v. 8, (6), 1997, Sep, p. 781-808
    • Year: 1997

  33. Relations between moduli spaces of stable bundles over P-2 and rationality
    • Author(s): Li, Wei Ping
    • Source: Journal fur die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik, v. 484, 1997, p. 201-217
    • Year: 1997

  34. Rank-3 stable bundles on rational ruled surfaces
    • Author(s): Li, Wei Ping; Qin, Zhenbo
    • Source: Mathematische Zeitschrift, v. 222, (2), 1996, Jun, p. 279-303
    • Year: 1996

  35. Extensions of vector bundles and rationality of certain moduli spaces of stable bundles
    • Author(s): Li, Wei Ping; Qin, Zhenbo
    • Source: Journal FUR DIE Reine UND ANGEWANDTE MATHEMATIK, v. 475, 1996, p. 209-220
    • Year: 1996

  36. On Donaldson polynomials of rational ruled surfaces
    • Author(s): Li, Wei Ping
    • Source: Forum mathematicum, v. 8, (6), 1996, p. 737-759
    • Year: 1996

    • Author(s): Hu, Yi; Li, Wei Ping
    • Source: International journal of mathematics, v. 6, (3), 1995, JUN, p. 397-418
    • Year: 1995

  38. Stable Vector-Bundles On Algebraic-Surfaces
    • Author(s): Li, Wei Ping; Qin, Zhenbo
    • Source: Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, v. 345, (2), 1994, OCT, p. 833-852
    • Year: 1994

  39. Lower-degree Donaldson polynomial invariants of rational surfaces
    • Author(s): Li, Wei Ping; Qin, Zhenbo
    • Source: Journal of Algebraic Geometry, Edited by University Press, v. 2, 1993, p. 413-442
    • Year: 1993


  1. Calculus for Scientists and Engineers
    • Author(s): Hu, Jishan; Li, Weiping; Wu, Yueping
    • Year: 2019

  2. Calculus: Rigor, Concision, Clarity
    • Author(s): Hu, Ji Shan; Li, Jian-Shu; Li, Wei Ping; Yan, Min
    • Year: 2010

  Conference paper

  1. A brief introduction to cosection localization and P-fields
    • Author(s): Li, Weiping
    • Source: Contemporary Mathematics, v. 763, 2021, p. 67-88
    • Year: 2021

  2. On the Mathematics and Physics of Mixed Spin P-fields
    • Author(s): Chang, Huai-Liang; Li, Jun; Li, Wei-Ping; Liu, Chiu-Chu Melissa
    • Source: Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics, v. 96, 2017, p. 47-73
    • Year: 2017

  3. On A twisted Landau-Ginzburg Type Theory
    • Author(s): Chang, Huai-Liang; Li, Jun; Li, Wei Ping
    • Source: Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati(SISSA), Trieste, Italy, August 2013
    • Year: 2013

  4. Incidence Hilbert schemes and infinite dimensional Lie algebras
    • Author(s): Li, Wei Ping; Qin, Zhenbo
    • Source: Proceedings of the 4th international congress of Chinese Mathematicians, v. 2, December 2007, p. 408-411, Series: AMS/IP Studies in Advanced Mathematics / Edited by S.T. Ya; v.48.
    • Year: 2007

  5. Hilbert scheme intersection numbers, Hurwitz numbers, and Gromov-Witten invariants
    • Author(s): Li, Wei Ping; Qin, Zhenbo; Wang, Weiqiang
    • Source: Contemporary mathematics - American Mathematical Society, v. 392, 2005, p. 67-81
    • Year: 2005

  6. The cohomology rings of Hilbert schemes via jack polynomials
    • Author(s): Li, Wei Ping; Qin, Zhenbo; Wang, Weiqiang
    • Source: CRM Workshop on Algebraic Structures and Moduli Spaces, Montreal, Canada, 14-20 July 2003, p. 249-258
    • Year: 2003

  7. Curves in the Hilbert schemes of points on surfaces
    • Author(s): Li, Wei Ping; Qin, Zhenbo; Zhang, Qi
    • Source: Contemporary Mathematics, Vol. 322, pp. 89-96
    • Year: 2003