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Research Interests
Infinite dimensional Lie algebras; algebras and quantum groups; vertex operator algebras; conformal field theoryTeaching
- MATH3131 Honors in Linear and Abstract Algebra II
- MATH5112 Advanced Algebra II
Selected Publications
Theta lifting for loop groups
- Author(s): Liu, Dongwen; Zhu, Yongchang
- Source: Duke Mathematical Journal, v. 171, (13), September 2022, p. 2799-2840
- Year: 2022
A Construction of Representations of Loop Group and Affine Lie Algebra of sl(n)
- Author(s): Dai, Xuanzhong; Zhu, Yongchang
- Source: Algebras and Representation Theory, v. 25, (3), June 2022, p. 649-668
- Year: 2022
Selberg Integral Over Local Fields
- Author(s): Fu, Zenan; Zhu, Yongchang
- Source: Forum Mathematicum, 2019
- Year: 2019
Addition formula and gamma-factors for local fields
- Author(s): Zhu, Yongchang
- Source: Journal of Number Theory, v. 198, May 2019, p. 52-73
- Year: 2019
LCA(2), Weil index, and Product Formula
- Author(s): Liu, Dongwen; Zhu, Yongchang
- Source: Advances in Mathematics, v. 329, April 2018, p. 1088-1136
- Year: 2018
On the Central Charge of a Factorizable Hopf Algebra
- Author(s): Sommerhaeuser, Yorck; Zhu, Yongchang
- Source: Advances in Mathematics, v. 236, March 2013, p. 158-223
- Year: 2013
- Author(s): Sommerhaeuser, Yorck; Zhu, Yongchang
- Source: Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, v. 219, (1028), 2012, p. 1-140
- Year: 2012
- Author(s): Garland, Howard; Zhu, Yongchang
- Source: Duke mathematical journal, v. 157, (2), April 2011, p. 283-336
- Year: 2011
On the Siegel-Weil theorem for loop groups, II
- Author(s): Garland, H.; Zhu, Y.
- Source: American journal of mathematics, v. 133, (6), 2011, p. 1663-1712
- Year: 2011
On the theta functional of Weil representations for symplectic loop groups
- Author(s): Liu, D.; Zhu, Y.
- Source: Journal of Algebra, v. 324, (11), 2010, p. 3115-3130
- Year: 2010
Theta functions and Weil representations of loop symplectic groups
- Author(s): Zhu, Yongchang
- Source: Duke mathematical journal, v. 143, (1), 2008, MAY 15, p. 17-39
- Year: 2008
On higher Frobenius-Schur indicators
- Author(s): Kashina, Y.; Sommerhauser, Y.; Zhu, Yongchang
- Source: Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, No. 855, May 2006
- Year: 2006
Self-dual modules of semisimple Hopf algebras
- Author(s): Kashina, Y.; Sommerhauser, Y.; Zhu, YC
- Source: Journal of algebra, v. 257, (1), 2002, NOV 1, p. 88-96
- Year: 2002
The dimension of irreducible modules for transitive module algebras
- Author(s): Zhu, YC
- Source: Communications in algebra, v. 29, (7), 2001, p. 2877-2886
- Year: 2001
On Hopf algebras with positive bases
- Author(s): Lu, JH; Yan, M.; Zhu, YC
- Source: Journal of algebra, v. 237, (2), 2001, MAR 15, p. 421-445
- Year: 2001
Hecke algebras and Representation Rings of Hopf algebras
- Author(s): Zhu, Yongchang
- Source: AMS/IP, Studies in Advanced Mathematics, v. 20, 2001
- Year: 2001
On the set-theoretical Yang-Baxter equation
- Author(s): Lu, JH; Yan, M.; Zhu, YC
- Source: Duke mathematical journal, v. 104, (1), 2000, JUL 15, p. 1-18
- Year: 2000
Quasi-triangular structures on Hopf algebras with positive bases
- Author(s): Lu, J.; Yan, M.; Zhu, Yongchang
- Source: Contemporary Math., Amer. math. Soc., 2000, p. 339-356
- Year: 2000
Stabilizer for Hopf algebra actions
- Author(s): Yan, M.; Zhu, YC
- Source: Communications in algebra, v. 26, (12), 1998, p. 3885-3898
- Year: 1998
A commuting pair in Hopf algebras
- Author(s): Zhu, Y.
- Source: Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, v. 125, (10), 1997, OCT, p. 2847-2851
- Year: 1997
Modular invariance of characters of vertex operator algebras
- Author(s): Zhu, YC
- Source: Journal of the American Mathematical Society, v. 9, (1), 1996, JAN, p. 237-302
- Year: 1996
Hopf algebras of prime dimension
- Author(s): Zhu, Yongchang
- Source: Internat. Math. Res. Notices, (1), 1994, p. 53-59
- Year: 1994
Global Vertex Operators on Riemann Surfaces
- Author(s): Zhu, Yongchang
- Source: Communications in Math. Phys, v. 165, (3), 1994, p. 485-531
- Year: 1994
Weight spaces and root spaces of Kac-Moody algebras
- Author(s): Zhu, Yongchang
- Source: J. Algebra, v. 168, (3), 1994, p. 936-948
- Year: 1994
Discrete series of the Virasoro algebra and the moonshine module, In: Algebraic groups and their generalizations: quantum and infinite-dimensional methods
- Author(s): Dong, C.; Mason, G.; Zhu, Yongchang
- Source: Sympos. Pure Math, v. 56, (2), p. 295-316, AMS 1994
- Year: 1994
Vertex operator algebras associated to representations of affine and Virasoro Algebras
- Author(s): Frenkel, I.; Zhu, Yongchang
- Source: Duke Mathematical Journal, v. 66, p. 123-168, 1992
- Year: 1992
Conference paper
Weil representations and theta functionals on surfaces
- Author(s): Zhu, Yongchang
- Source: Perspectives in Representation Theory: A Conference in Honor of Igor Frenkel's 60th Birthday on Perspectives in Representation Theory, v. 610, 2014, p. 353-370
- Year: 2014
An Analogue of Satake Transform for p-adic Loop Groups
- Author(s): Zhu, Yongchang
- Source: Proceedings of international congress of Chinese mathematicians,, Vol 2, Dec 17-22, 2007.
- Year: 2007