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GUO, Xin-Zhou

(PhD University of Michigan)

Phone: (852) 2358 7436
Office: Room 3476
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Assistant Professor

Research Interests

Subgroup analysis; Resampling methods; Precision medicine; Regulatory science

Selected Publications


  1. Quantifying proportion of treatment effect by surrogate endpoint under heterogeneity
    • Author(s): Guo, Xinzhou; Bourgeois, Florence T; Cai, Tianxi
    • Source: Statistical Methods in Medical Research, May 2024
    • Year: 2024

  2. Integrative Analysis of Site-Specific Parameters with Nuisance Parameters on the Common Support
    • Author(s): Ho, Ho Yi Alexis; Xu, Shuoxun; Guo, Xinzhou
    • Source: Statistics in Biosciences, April 2024
    • Year: 2024

  3. Inference on tree-structured subgroups with subgroup size and subgroup effect relationship in clinical trials
    • Author(s): Luo, Yuanhui; Guo, Xinzhou
    • Source: Statistics in Medicine, September 2023
    • Year: 2023

  4. Assessing the Most Vulnerable Subgroup to Type II Diabetes Associated with Statin Usage: Evidence from Electronic Health Record Data
    • Author(s): Guo, Xinzhou; Wei, Waverly; Liu, Molei; Cai, Tianxi; Wu, Chong; Wang, Jingshen
    • Source: Journal of the American Statistical Association, January 2023, article number 2157727
    • Year: 2023

  5. A Robust Quantitative Risk Screening for Subgroup Pursuit in Clinical Trials
    • Author(s): Guo, Xinzhou; Li, Ruosha; Zhou, Jianjun; He, Xuming
    • Source: Econometrics and Statistics, June 2023
    • Year: 2023

  6. A deep survival interpretable radiomics model of hepatocellular carcinoma patients
    • Author(s): Wei, Lise; Owen, Dawn; Rosen, Benjamin; Guo, Xinzhou; Cuneo, Kyle; Lawrence, Theodore S.; Haken, Randall Ten; El naqa, Issam
    • Source: Physica Medica: European Journal of Medical Physics, v. 82, February 2021, p. 295-305
    • Year: 2021

  7. Inference on selected subgroups in clinical trials
    • Author(s): Guo, Xinzhou; He, Xuming
    • Source: Journal of the American Statistical Association, 17 April 2020
    • Year: 2020