Edmund Yik-Man CHIANG 

Please visit the link for my most update information: https://machiang.wixsite.com/machiang

BSc (1987), PhD (1991) University College London  (University of London)  (Wikipedia links to UCL and University of London.)


During the Spring semester 2024-25, my "available time slots" are as follows. You are encouraged to come to my office other than my teaching time slots. However, as I may be away due to meeting, etc, so to guarantee that you can locate me exactly in those time slots, it would be better that you e-mail me for an appointment in advance:






Morning by appointment

Morning by appointment

Morning by appointment      Morning by appointment Morning by appointment

Afternoon by appointment




Afternoon by appointment





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Research Interests: Complex function theory (Nevanlinna theory), Differential/Difference equations, Special functions and Orthogonal Polynomials. Publications


Courses for Spring semester, 2024-2025:

    1. MATH2352:  Differential Equations
        • Curriculum: First and second order differential equations, initial value problems, series solutions, Laplace transform, numerical methods, boundary value problems, eigenvalues and eigenfunctions, Sturm-Liouville theory.
        • Main reference book: Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems. This is a classic textbook on introductory differential equations. The latest edition is already the 12th edition. But any edition above and including the 7th edition can be used. 
        • Study notes will be available before the start of the first lecture.
        • Prerequsite waive: students who want to join this course with alternative qualifications other than the one stated in the course prereqsites should discuss with me IN PERSON AFTER the start of semester.  Alternativew documentations will be needed for this purpose.  
    2. MATH5030: Complex Function Theory
        • Curriculum: Review of basic properties of holomorphic functions. Phragmen-Lindelof principle, normal families, Riemann mapping theorem, Weiestrass factorization theorem, Schwarz reflection principle, analytic continuation, harmonic functions, entire functions, Hadamard factorization theorem, Picard's theorems.
        • Main reference books: 
          • J. B. Conway, Functions of One Complex Variable, 2nd edition, Spring-Verlag.
          • L V. Ahlfors, Complex Analysis, 3rd edition, McGraw Hill
        • Study notes will be available before the start of the first lecture.
        • Prerequsite waive: students who want to join this course with alternative qualifications other than the one stated in the course prereqsites should discuss with me IN PERSON AFTER the start of semester.  Alternativew documentations will be needed for this purpose.

Previous semester courses

Minor program:

Conferences: Cosmology since Einstein (30th May to 1st June 2011), Frontiers of Nevanlinna Theory (2011-12)

S. T. Yau's HKUST talks on mathematics (in Cantonese):

Dick Askey's Distinguished Lecture given at IAS (UST) lecture (3/6/ 2010)

Special function handbooks:

C. C. Yang's farewell lunch, In memory of Pit-Mann Wong (from Julia Wang) and Tributes, Steven B. Bank's door in Illini Hall

Other interests , Useful links

Support Wikipedia

Email:machiang@ust.hk, Tel: (852) 2358 7441
Department of Mathematics
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Clear Water Bay, Kowloon
Hong Kong