Jianping Gan (Chair Professor, Ph.D, M.Sc. McGill University)   


Department of Ocean Science & Department of Mathematics

Hong Kong University of Science & Technology

Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel: (852)2358 7421/2358 8363; Fax: (852)2335 9317/2358 1643
: magan@ust.hk




2024 Fall: OCES 5001:   Introduction to Oceanography (PG/Approval Senior UG)  video


MATH 4326:   Introduction to Fluid Dynamics

MATH2303:    Introduction to Numerical Method


Research Field

Physical Oceanography


Research Interest

Dynamics of ocean circulation and ecosystem; numerical ocean modeling


Current Research

We conduct scientific study of ocean circulation, marine ecosystem

dynamics and numerical ocean modeling in the China Seas. Our research

inter-links the processes over estuary-shelf-open ocean basin. We develop

interdisciplinary research in coupled physical-biogeochemical dynamics

through numerical modeling, field measurement and process study in the ocean.



Selected Publication (full publication list)


Research Links



A logo of a company

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           EARTH-HK AoE project


A picture containing graphical user interface

Description automatically generated   WavyOcean


A blue and white logo

Description automatically generated with low confidence     Ocean Dynamics and Modeling Program


   OCEAN_HK Project: Theme-based Research Scheme



Description automatically generated with low confidenceCenter for Ocean Research in Hong Kong and Macau (CORE)