AGARD symposium on the application of direct and large eddy simulation to transition and turbulence, pp. 4:1-9 (1994)

The asymptotic state of rotating homogeneous turbulence at high Reynolds numbers

K.D. Squires, J.R. Chasnov, N.N. Mansour & C. Cambon
Center for Turbulence Research, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94395, USA

The long-time, asymptotic state of rotating homogeneous turbulence at high Reynolds numbers has been examined using large-eddy simulation of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. The simulations were carried out using 128x128x512 collocation points in a computational domain that is four times longer along the rotation axis than in the other directions. Subgrid-scale motions in the simulations were parameterized using a spectral eddy viscosity modified for system rotation. Simulation results show that in the asymptotic state the turbulence kinetic energy undergoes a power-law decay with an exponent which is independent of rotation rate, depending only on the low-wavenumber form of the initial energy spectrum. Integral lengthscale growth in the simulations is also characterized by power-law growth; the correlation length of transverse velocities exhibiting much more rapid growth than observed in non-rotating turbulence.

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