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Professor LI Weiping was awarded State Natural Science Award (2nd Class)


Congratulation to Professor LI Weiping, Chair Professor of Mathematics, for winning the prestigious Second Class of the State Natural Science Award in June of 2024 in the research project "Change of numerically geometric invariants under birational transforms" jointly engaged by Professor Li and Professor HU Jianxun from Zhongshan University. In the seventies of last century, Atiyah and Bott among others proposed to study low dimensional topology using ideas from quantum field theory in physics. This viewpoint led to the discovery of various numerical invariants defined via some moduli spaces such as Gromov-Witten invariants, Donaldson-Thomas invariants, and Vafa-Witten invariants. The research on these geometric invariants has been a hot topic ever since. The main goal of such research is on the structural theory and their applications to topological and geometric problems. One approach to study the structural theory is to investigate the variations of these invariants under some geometric or topological changes. The project studies in depth the Vafa-Witten's S-dualty conjecture, Gromov-Witten invariants, and Donaldson-Thomas invariants under some birational changes. The results from the project are impactful and highly regarded in the field.

Professor PENG Zhichao wins the HKUST-KTH Global Knowledge Network Awards 2024

Professor PENG Zhichao wins the HKUST-KTH Global Knowledge Network Awards 2024. The team including Professor PENG Zhichao, Assistant Professor in Department of Mathematics and Professor RYAN Jennifer from KTH won the HKUST-KTH Global Knowledge Network Awards 2024. The award was given due to the intellectual merit of their project on "Denoising Stochastic Solvers for Kinetic Equations through Filters" which has great potential to foster future collaborations and research initiatives, as well as fit with campus research strengths and priorities.