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We offer one PhD program, one MPhil program, and five MSc programs.

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Mathematics
The PhD program provides a broad background in mathematics and mathematical sciences. Students choose their major research areas from three options: Pure Mathematics; Applied Mathematics; and Probability and Statistics. For details of the program requirements, please click here.
A selective list of Ph.D. Recipients in the last five years

Master of Philosophy (MPhil) in Mathematics
The MPhil program seeks to strengthen students' general background in mathematics and mathematical sciences, and to expose students to the environment and scope of mathematical research. Submission and successful defense of a thesis based on original research is required to obtain the degree. For details of the program requirements, please click here.

Students who are interested in pursuing computation related research can opt for Scientific Computation Concentration. Details of this concentration can be found in the program catalog (link) or the Concentration website (

Enquiry for the PhD program and MPhil program:

We also provide five MSc programs