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Enrollment Requirement
  1. 1.85 or above in latest GPA; or
  2. Average of 2.0 for at least two courses related to concerned minor program

Application Procedures
  1. Students should submit an Application for Undergraduate Minor Program e-Form together with the following documents:
    • an unofficial transcript
    • a study plan for the minor program and indicate which courses count toward the 9 single-counted credits.

Confirmation letter will not be issued to successful applicants. ARO will update a status of Minor Program in the SIS after the corresponding application deadline.

Enrollment Schedule of Minor Programs

No earlier than the first regular term of their second year but no later than the last day of the add/drop period in the first regular term of their final year# of study.

Effective Term Enrollment Deadline
Fall Term Last day of Add/ Drop Period of Fall Term*
Spring Term Last day of Add/ Drop Period of Spring Term

  • # The "final year of study" means the final year of study within the normal duration of study. The extended semester(s) is not regarded as within the normal duration.

  • *Final-year students who intend to declare minor program should do it no later than this enrollment period. The above schedule also applies to withdrawal from the minor program.
