Sections Left Column Image Image Image Caption Course outline Right Column Text Area UG Courses being offered in 2023-2024 Fall Semester Course Code Course Title MATH 1003 Calculus and Linear Algebra MATH 1012 Calculus IA MATH 1013 Calculus IB MATH 1014 Calculus II MATH 1023 Honors Calculus I MATH 2001 Foundation of Mathematics MATH 2011 Introduction to Multivariable Calculus MATH 2023 Multivariable Calculus MATH 2033 Mathematical Analysis MATH 2111 Matrix Algebra and Applications MATH 2121 Linear Algebra MATH 2131 Honors in Linear and Abstract Algebra I MATH 2350 Applied Linear Algebra and Differential Equations MATH 2351 Introduction to Differential Equations MATH 2411 Applied Statistics MATH 2421 Probability MATH 2511 Fundamentals of Actuarial Mathematics MATH 2731 Mathematical Problem Solving MATH 3033 Real Analysis MATH 3043 Honors Real Analysis MATH 3121 Abstract Algebra MATH 3312 Numerical Analysis MATH 3332 Data Analytic Tools MATH 3343 Combinatorial Analysis MATH 3423 Statistical Inference MATH 4052 Partial Differential Equations MATH 4063 Functional Analysis MATH 4141 Number Theory and Applications MATH 4223 Differential Geometry MATH 4336 Introduction to Mathematics of Image Processing MATH 4423 Nonparametric Statistics MATH 4424 Multivariate Analysis MATH 4427 Loss Models and their Applications MATH 4432 Statistical Machine Learning MATH 4511 Quantitative Methods for Fixed Income Derivatives MATH 4992 Capstone Project in Applied Mathematics MATH 4993 Capstone Project in Statistics MATH 4994 Capstone Project in Mathematics and Economics MATH 4995 Capstone Project for Data Science UG Courses being offered in 2023-2024 Spring Semester Course Code Course Title MATH 1012 Calculus IA MATH 1013 Calculus IB MATH 1014 Calculus II MATH 1024 Honors Calculus II MATH 2011 Introduction to Multivariable Calculus MATH 2023 Multivariable Calculus MATH 2033 Mathematical Analysis MATH 2043 Honors Mathematical Analysis MATH 2111 Matrix Algebra and Applications MATH 2121 Linear Algebra MATH 2343 Discrete Structures MATH 2350 Applied Linear Algebra and Differential Equations MATH 2351 Introduction to Differential Equations MATH 2352 Differential Equations MATH 2411 Applied Statistics MATH 2421 Probability MATH 2431 Honors Probability MATH 3033 Real Analysis MATH 3131 Honors in Linear and Abstract Algebra II MATH 3322 Matrix Computation MATH 3424 Regression Analysis MATH 3425 Stochastic Modeling MATH 3426 Sampling MATH 4023 Complex Analysis MATH 4033 Calculus on Manifolds MATH 4051 Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations MATH 4221 Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometries MATH 4225 Topology MATH 4321 Game Theory MATH 4351 Numerical Solutions of Partial Differential Equations MATH 4360 Mathematical Modeling MATH 4425 Introductory Time Series MATH 4512 Fundamentals of Mathematical Finance MATH 4513 Life Contingencies Models and Insurance Risk MATH 4514 Financial Economics in Actuarial Science MATH 4824C Causal Inference MATH 4900 Academic and Professional Development MATH 4991 Capstone Project in Pure Mathematics